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Unrest among Tibetans & Uighurs in China

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The continuing unrest among Tibetan students in the Qinghai province over the introduction of Mandarin as the medium of instruction shows no signs of subsiding, though it has not taken a violent form and the number of those involved in different protest demonstrations is less than 10,000. As a precautionary measure, to prevent any  outbreak of violence, the Chinese Ministry of Public Security, which is  responsible for internal security, has moved police reinforcements from  the adjoining provinces to theQinghai province.

2. There were reports of two demonstrations on October 22. About 1000 Tibetan students took out an early morning procession   in the  Gepasumdo (in Chinese, Tongde) county  of the Qinghai province. There was also a peaceful demonstration by about 400 Tibetan students studying in the National Minorities’ University in Beijing.

3.The Uighur students in Chinese-controlled Xinjiang have not joined the demonstrations so far even though the order introducing Mandarin as the medium of instruction applies to Uighur schools also. However, there have been reports of protests in the local mosques over orders issued by the Ministry of Public Security recently banning the sporting of beards by men and the wearing of veils by women. The local authorities have allegedly threatened to withdraw the licences of shops and other small and medium business establishments if their Uighur owners and staff do not comply with their instructions in this regard. All Uighur Government servants have also been told to comply with this ban.

4. In the meanwhile, there is a cause for worry to the Ministry of Public Security even from the majority Han community. The advocates of genuine political reforms to dilute the dominating role of the Communist Party and ensure respect for freedom of speech have been circulating through the Internet texts of the recent interview of Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, when he was in New York in September, to the CNN emphasising the importance of respecting the freedom of speech. This interview has been blacked out in China by the Ministry of Public Security—an amazing instance of a Department of the Government blacking out an interview of its own Prime Minister.

5. It has been reported that  some dissident elements are trying  to start a Chinese version of Wikileaks to upload secret government and party documents. A report on this subject carried by the “South China Morning Post” of October 22 is attached.

( Courtesy: South Asia Analysis Group. The writer Mr B Raman,  is Additional Secretary (retd), Cabinet Secretariat, Govt. of India, New Delhi, and, presently, Director, Institute For Topical Studies, Chennai. E-mail: )


( Report dated October 22,2010, of the “South China Morning Post ” )

Chinese dissidents plan their own WikiLeaks

By Choi Chi-yuk

A group of Chinese dissidents plan to launch their own version of whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks to expose central government secrets and promote democracy.

The organisers have signalled their intentions through social networking sites such as Twitter. They aim to launch “Government Leaks” on June 1 next year and they are calling on people to upload confidential government information to their database.

“I think by making government secrets open we can promote democracy in China. This is a fight against the dictatorship, and to return the right to information to the people. I believe it will advance China’s political reform,” said the founder of the website, who identified himself as “Deep Throat” when talking to the South China Morning Post (SEHK: 0583, announcements, news) . Deep Throat said a team of professionals had been aseembled to run the site, including journalists, editors, lawyers and hackers – who would help defend against possible cyberattacks.

The founder said he was inspired by Watergate, the US scandal of the 1970s, and the success ofWikiLeaks, which gained worldwide recognition after it published a massive trove of US intelligence documents relating to the war in Afghanistan, a move that infuriated the Pentagon and energisedopponents of the war.

Ironically, the founders of WikiLeaks include some Chinese dissidents, according to its website, and it has recently launched a Chinese language version. The Chinese WikiLeaks has not so far published any sensitive information on the Beijing government though.

Deep Throat said at first he tried to form a partnership with WikiLeaks. “I sent them a letter on October 1, to all three e-mail accounts listed by WikiLeaks. I told them that I wanted to co-operate with them. But the e-mails never went through as their system was always down. I ended up with three undelivered e-mails in my box,” he said.

“Government Leaks has no relations with WikiLeaks, but you can call us the copycat version ofWikiLeaks in China,” he said.

Unlike WikiLeaks, which is based in Europe where the freedom of speech and rights to information are guaranteed by the European Union’s constitution, Government Leaks would inevitably anger the central government.

Many technology-savvy net activists on the mainland feel Government Leaks is too open in its approach. They say the idea is naive and dangerous. Some fear it could become a trap for the authorities to round-up whistle-blowers.

John Kennedy, the Chinese language editor of Global Voices Online, who is more widely known in China by his pseudonym Feng 37, described it as “a blind man riding a blind horse” – a Chinese idiom of things doomed to fail.

Kennedy, a Canadian national, said five out of the seven e-mail service providers of Government Leaks are based on the mainland – meaning they would be subject to severe surveillance by the authorities. “No one would send them anything, except those stupid guys,” he said. He also criticised the website for lacking encrypted links to protect informers.

Another mainland net activist, calling himself Zola, also questioned if the security technology of Government Leaks could provide enough protection to whistle-blowers. “In the worst case, the informer could be prosecuted for illegally possessing state secrets,” he warned.

He cited the example of mainland journalist Shi Tao, who was sentenced to 10 years in jail in 2005 for leaking state secrets. Shi was incriminated by the central government after the authorities obtained a secret document he sent to an overseas website through a mainland-based Yahoo China server.

Deep Throat said informers’ safety would be treated as the most important issue. Government Leaks would not use normal e-mail accounts to communicate with informers. It is also studying encrypted technologies to receive reports. “We will also keep contacting WikiLeaks and see if they can help,” he said.

Another challenge for the website is verifying information and fact checking. Deep Throat said he would invite well-known public figures to help authenticate documents.

“We are not formally launched yet. But once the site is up, we will definitely run things through them before publishing them.”

Since making the open call for information a few months ago, Deep Throat said Government Leaks was receiving four or five documents on average each week.

But he said most of the information would hardly be considered classified. “Some are out-dated. Some is actual information that is available on the internet. So far we have got only one document that really fits the bill.”

Zola said he would not send any sensitive information to Government Leaks unless he was 100 per cent certain about safety.

He does not suspect Deep Throat’s motives and background, but he is sceptical over Government Leaks’ ability to overcome the daunting technological and legal challenges it faces.

“They have got to have the right mentality in terms of the seriousness of security in the first place. Then they have a chance of being in full command of the network technology. Only then, can privacy and, hence, the safety of both the website operators and potential informers be secured.”


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