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Major Powers in the Indo-Pacific; By Carlyle A. Thayer

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Article No. 26/2019

“The Major Powers and the Indo-Pacific,” is the title of the Presentation prepared by the author, for the Australia Vietnam Track 1.5 Defence Dialogue, Hanoi, May 27, 2019. View the presentation at this link:

This presentation considers the role of the major powers in the Indo-Pacific Region. The central argument is that regional order depends on the interaction of six variables  ­– balance of power, international law, diplomacy, force and coercion, and the special role of the major powers (China, United States as well as Japan, India and Russia). Each of these variables is discussed in turn. The paper concludes with a net assessment of the regional balance of power.

[Carlyle A. Thayer is an Emeritus Professor at the University of New South Wales, Australian Defence Force Academy, Canberra. The views expressed are his own. The presentation has been republished with the author’s permission.]


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