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Issue Brief I: Between Investment and Influence: China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Impact on Sri Lanka: By; G Shemeri Shavinki Perera

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Issue Brief: 1/2025

C3S launched its Issue Brief initiative. An issue brief is a summary of the knowledge surrounding an issue or a problem. It summarizes the issue by giving clear, concise, and complete information describing all facets of a particular issue including a detailed illustration in the form of images, data, and facts. It also includes recommendations for action and predictions on the future course of an issue.


Sri Lanka, as an island country in the Indian Ocean, China's growing presence is highly increased  in many areas of the country. China's Belt and Road Initiative, which contributes complex  geopolitical challenges with economic opportunities, has played a significant role in Sri Lanka.  This study looks at how Chinese influence and investments have affected the Country and  identifies notable projects that have improved its infrastructure in addition to highlighting the  potential for economic development.  

This paper will examine whether China's BRI initiatives in Sri Lanka influence the strategic  implications for the security of the country and its economic challenges. By examining the  advantages and disadvantages of Sri Lanka’s participation in the BRI, the article offers an in-depth analysis of the initiative's overall effects on the country and in the Indian Ocean Region. Maritime projects under BRI have played a key role in Sri Lanka's economy by enhancing port infrastructure. Such developments have increased trade and improved Sri Lanka's position in global maritime routes. This has raised concerns about regional security. This study looks at how these projects drive economic growth while addressing the challenges related to maritime security and Sri Lanka's strategic role in the Indian Ocean. 

This paper will also explore how the rising presence of China in Sri Lanka impacts regional  security dynamics, trade relations, and geopolitical alignments. 

Key words: Belt and Road Initiative, China & Sri Lanka, Economic Relation, Geopolitical  Impact, Influences and Challenges.

Read the full Issue Brief at this link:

(G.Shemeri Shavinki Perera , C3S Intern, is pursuing her Masters in International Studies at Maharaja University, Mysuru. The views expressed are those of the author and do not reflect the views of C3S.)

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