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Indian Perspectives on China (Volume-2)

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Indian Perspectives on China (Volume-2)DS RajanWhat are the implications of a rapidly rising China for India, and the rest of the world? How will the Sino-Indian relations unfold in the future? What are India’s options? These questions were addressed in our first volume published in 2010 by writers who included former senior civil servants, academicians, and military experts. Continuing the effort are writers to the second volume, and we are sure that their findings will be useful to the policy planners as well as the research scholars both in the country and abroad.

The scholars of the Chennai Centre for China Studies (C3S), a non-profit public policy think tank in Chennai devoted exclusively to China Studies, focus on the analysis of contemporary economic, political, strategic, and international issues relating to China. Its website provides a forum for specialists in India and abroad to closely examine the relevant issues.DS Rajan: The editor, D.S. Rajan, Director, the Chennai Centre for China Studies, was formerly a China analyst with the Government of India. Well versed in Chinese and Japanese languages, he has been studying the subject for many years. He has been contributing articles on China regularly to various websites and journals both in India and abroad, besides taking part in national/international seminars and workshops.

ContentsPreface Contributors Domestic Scenario

  1. China: Looking beyond Ouster of Bo Xilai

  2. Hotan Hijacking Bid indicates Lax Airport Security in China

  3. China: 18th Party Congress—Change of Guards,No Change in Policy

  4. Leadership Transition in China: What does it hold for India?External Relations

  5. China and South Asia—An Indian Perspective

  6. China’s Impact on India-Nepal Relations

  7. China: India is Signalling Border ‘Concessions’, Feel Analysts

  8. China’s New Himalayan Thrust

  9. India-China: Can the Humiliation of 1962 Repeat Itself?

  10. China’s Tryst with Media Tools of Statecraft—

A Case Study of Border Dispute Resolution with India

  1. Complexities of Dealing with China

  2. A Chinese Trilogy

  3. China’s Double Speak

  4. Sri Lanka: Moving Forward

  5. Impact of UNHRC Resolution on India-Sri Lanka Relations

  6. China: Modus Operandi for Assertion in

South and East China Seas–Relevance for India

  1. China’s Foreign Policy Debate

  2. Power Struggle in East Asia

  3. Peoples Republic of China’s Policy towards Overseas Chinese


  1. China vs India in the Global Market—An Indian Perspective

  2. The Race for the World Bank Post

  3. China’s Foray into World Nuclear Power Market

  4. China Takes Over IFC—A Silent Coup

Strategy, Defence and Security

  1. Ground and Sea Realities

  2. Time for Special Task Force on Maritime Security

  3. Maritime Security and Challenges in the Indian Ocean Region

  4. Understanding China’s Military Diplomacy

  5. Chinese Defence Minister’s Visit to Sri Lanka—An Indian Perspective

  6. China-Afghanistan Security Liaison

  7. The Jugular Reality: India’s Strategic Debate

  8. The Vanishing Tail Lights—Widening Gulf in Strategic 235 Technologies between India and China



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