C3S Event Report No: 009/2018
Mao Zedong had once famously proclaimed that, “Women hold up half the sky.” This leads to the question of whether Indian and Chinese women, upon resolving their challenges, can together hold up the entire sky! ‘India-China: Cross-country Scenarios in Gender Equality’ was the theme of the Roundtable Discussion jointly organized by Chennai Centre for China Studies (C3S) and the Red Elephant Foundation (REF), with a Chinese delegation and Chennai-based leaders. The delegation was led by by Ms. Sophie Tsuei, Founder of ‘Emerging Happiness Capital’ & ‘Mind Fullness Global’. She was accompanied by China-based leaders in film-making, finance, NGOs, and travel-healing. The Chennai-based leaders hailed from diverse backgrounds including academia, psychology, media, NGOs and sustainable development. The event, held on May 4 2018 at C3S, witnessed sharing of insights on the ground realities being faced by women on either side of the border. These included pressing concerns related to self-esteem, empowerment, human-resource issues, open/closeted society dynamics, marital conflict and societal prejudices… View Full Event Report at this link: India and China-Comparing Notes on Gender Equality
View short video of the event at this link: https://www.facebook.com/c3sindia/videos/2092393044332444/