Greetings from Chennai Centre for China Studies ! (C3S)
(FB Link to these details:
C3S calls for short videos not more than 2 minutes in length and 180MB in size on the following themes: (1) Jugaad in India and China (See links & (2) Role of Education in fostering creativity in India and China (3) Innovation in Science and Technology in India and China (4) Creativity in Arts in India and China
This competition is open only for amateur videographers and not professionals.
The video entries are to be uploaded on dropbox and the links are to be sent in along with participant/team name, address, contact no. and mail id to with the Subject line: “C3S Short Video Entry”
the last date for entries has been extended to August 15, 2017.
Please include a line certifying that the entry is an original contribution and that copyright is granted to the Chennai Centre for China Studies.
There is no age limit and restriction whether the entry is an individual or a team entry.
The shortlisted videos will be screened (Venue: TBD). The creators of the shortlisted videos will be given 5 mins to speak about the inspiration behind the contribution during the screening. This will be followed by the prize distribution ceremony.
Cash Prizes: 1st Prize: Rs. 10,000/- 2nd Prize: Rs. 5,000/- 3rd Prize: Rs. 3,000/-
The videos shortlisted for screening will be uploaded on the C3S YouTube channel and shared on social media.
Some sample videos: BBC China UK relations Where do ideas come from World Economic Forum: India vs China in 60s BBC video Comparing India and China
Thanks and Regards,
Commodore R.S. Vasan IN (Retd.)
Director, C3S.