The aim of C3S’s internship programme is to provide an unlimited opportunity for students to get experience in research, digital outreach and event organisation. Internships are designed with a focus on the area of interest of the intern and their academic background. Internship opportunities are open to undergraduate and postgraduates students and to research scholars. Students and research scholars interested in C3S’s internship programme can mail a completed C3S internship application form to c3sinternships@gmail.com. The form must include the abstract(s) for the proposed topic(s) of research as well as timeline of research. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Get the C3S Internship Application Form here: Download
For a sample abstract, view the ‘introduction’ to the article at this link. Note that it gives the background to the specific issue, addresses the gaps or queries to be researched, and leads up to 2-4 logical research questions which will be answered in the article.
Internships at C3S are unpaid, nevertheless the following benefits are offered:
Full guidance for the intern from C3S members experienced in the fields of economy, foreign policy, defence, nuclear science, culture, politics, and other fields related to China.
The intern would conduct original research on China related themes and write articles (2000 words), issue maps (10 pages), occasional papers (20 pages), monographs (50-70 pages) and/or books; with endnote references in Chicago Manual of Style (https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide/citation-guide-1.html)
Another writing requirement, apart from the research paper, is to give 600-800 word articles for our Medium page. Link- medium.com/young-minds-of-c3s
Interns participate in C3S events and would assist in coordination of the same.
Free membership to Young Minds of C3S (https://www.c3sindia.org/programs/young-minds-of-c3s/)
Publicity of the intern’s publications in C3S social media and also Bamboo Shoots- the C3S newsletter with 900+ subscribers globally.
If the intern completes hard copy publications (occasional paper, monograph or book), it will be released at a book launch after review and approval by C3S.